Come join the Saint Paul Area Synod in welcoming Debby Irving, author of Waking up White. Irving will being speaking and leading us in an interactive workshop. This time will be most effective if congregations plan on bringing a group ready to collaborate further with church conferences and neighboring communities. Open to Rostered leaders and community members to register.
We will focus our time on, Leveling the Playing Field: Interrupting Patterns of Power and Privilege; this is an interactive workshop involving mapping power, patterns and interventions.
Suggested cost of the event is $10 per person, to be collected at the door. We do not want cost to prohibit anybody from attending this learning opportunity, all are welcome. Debby Irving will have books available and there will be an opportunity to meet her after the workshop time.
If your congregation or organization has yet to read, Waking up White. It is recommended to read before attending, see the attached study guide for WakingUpWhite_BookStudyGuide-1
Registration opens January 15. Watch the Antiracism Workgroup webpage for more details:
Contact Pastor Jen Collins, antiracism workgroup co-lead, [email protected]